50+ Years of Age
Recommended Screening & Prevention
Have your blood pressure checked yearly
Get your fasting blood sugar tested and talk to your doctor about cholesterol
Colon cancer screening: either FIT (stool test) every 2 years or colonoscopy every 3-10 years (based on findings)
Tetanus shot every 10 years
Dental checks and cleaning every 6 months
Brush your teeth and floss twice daily
BMI check yearly
Influenza vaccine yearly
Pneumococcal vaccine once in a lifetime after age 55 or if you have a chronic condition
If you have high blood pressure you should be screened for diabetes & have your kidneys screened yearly. You should take blood pressure medications to control your blood pressure and protect your kidneys.
If you are a current smoker or past smoker over 40 years of age:
1. Do you cough regularly?
2. Do you cough up phlegm regularly?
3. Do even simple chores make you short of breath?
4. Do you wheeze when you exert yourself, or at night?
5. Do you get frequent colds that persist longer than those of other people you know?
If you answer yes to any of the above 5 questions, call the clinic (727-2617) to book a spirometry test, which is a simple procedure used to test for COPD
If Female:
Pap Smears – every 3 years (after 3 normal results in a row). If previous abnormal, must have done at least yearly
Mammograms every 1-2 years, clinical breast exam yearly
Get screened for your osteoporosis risk if older than 65 or if high risk and younger should have a Bone Mineral Density (BMD) test
Start taking 1500mg of Calcium and 800IU of Vitamin D daily to protect your bones
Get tested for sexually transmitted infections if you have had a new partner or if you have more than one partner
Have your blood pressure checked yearly
Get your fasting blood sugar tested and talk to your doctor about cholesterol
Colon cancer screening: either FIT (stool test) every 2 years or colonoscopy every 3-10 years (based on findings)
Tetanus shot every 10 years
Dental checks and cleaning every 6 months
Brush your teeth and floss twice daily
BMI check yearly
Influenza vaccine yearly
Pneumococcal vaccine once in a lifetime after age 55 or if you have a chronic condition
If you have high blood pressure you should be screened for diabetes & have your kidneys screened yearly. You should take blood pressure medications to control your blood pressure and protect your kidneys.
If you are a current smoker or past smoker over 40 years of age:
1. Do you cough regularly?
2. Do you cough up phlegm regularly?
3. Do even simple chores make you short of breath?
4. Do you wheeze when you exert yourself, or at night?
5. Do you get frequent colds that persist longer than those of other people you know?
If you answer yes to any of the above 5 questions, call the clinic (727-2617) to book a spirometry test, which is a simple procedure used to test for COPD
If Female:
Pap Smears – every 3 years (after 3 normal results in a row). If previous abnormal, must have done at least yearly
Mammograms every 1-2 years, clinical breast exam yearly
Get screened for your osteoporosis risk if older than 65 or if high risk and younger should have a Bone Mineral Density (BMD) test
Start taking 1500mg of Calcium and 800IU of Vitamin D daily to protect your bones
Get tested for sexually transmitted infections if you have had a new partner or if you have more than one partner