Due to the demands of the COVID centre and the limits placed on in-person appointments, many of our programs are on hold. Please call 727-2617 for more information.
Craving Change The Red Lake FHT is excited to announce their newest program. Everywhere we look the media tells us how, when and what to eat. Most of us know that eating an apple is healthier than eating a piece of chocolate cake. So why do we often choose the cake despite our best intentions? 'Craving Change' will help you understand why positive change can be so hard, identify your triggers for problematic eating and learn how to respond to those triggers differently. It's about learning and practicing new ways of thinking and behaving. Call 727-2751 or email rlma@redlakehospital to sign up or get more information. |

Challenge for Change (Sorry - currently under construction!)
Did you know that 50% of cancers arise from modifiable lifestyle factors? We need to ditch the fast food and bad habits and get moving. Are you trying to quit smoking? Eat healthy? Start running? Share your journey on our Facebook group. Let's organize and share group events, post successes and setbacks, ideas and recipes. Get and give support when needed. Life is busy, exercise and healthy eating is hard. Let's do it together!
A Challenge Group is a place filled with motivation, inspiration, friendship and knowledge, and all the support needed to reach goals you thought were impossible.
Challenge for Change is not about who can do more exercise. It's not just about counting steps or calories, looking cute in the latest workout gear or eating more kale & quinoa than everyone else. It's about wanting to make positive changes. About being accountable and drawing from group strength to make healthy choices one at a time, every day. It's about living longer, living healthier...living happier.
Did you know that 50% of cancers arise from modifiable lifestyle factors? We need to ditch the fast food and bad habits and get moving. Are you trying to quit smoking? Eat healthy? Start running? Share your journey on our Facebook group. Let's organize and share group events, post successes and setbacks, ideas and recipes. Get and give support when needed. Life is busy, exercise and healthy eating is hard. Let's do it together!
A Challenge Group is a place filled with motivation, inspiration, friendship and knowledge, and all the support needed to reach goals you thought were impossible.
Challenge for Change is not about who can do more exercise. It's not just about counting steps or calories, looking cute in the latest workout gear or eating more kale & quinoa than everyone else. It's about wanting to make positive changes. About being accountable and drawing from group strength to make healthy choices one at a time, every day. It's about living longer, living healthier...living happier.

COPD or Asthma Self-Management
If you suffer from COPD, this group appointment/presentation can improve your understanding of the condition, as well as proper inhaler technique. Work with the RN and Nurse Practitioner to establish a plan of action and emergency prescription for flare-ups. Email rlma@redlakehospital or call 727-2751 x258.
If you suffer from COPD, this group appointment/presentation can improve your understanding of the condition, as well as proper inhaler technique. Work with the RN and Nurse Practitioner to establish a plan of action and emergency prescription for flare-ups. Email rlma@redlakehospital or call 727-2751 x258.

INR Management Program
Lining up at the lab for your INR draw is a thing of the past! Now with just a finger poke and a quick visit at the clinic, your INR can be tested, your dose adjusted and prescription updated. Even more exciting, the RNs have launched a new online INR program, with the ultimate goal of self-testing at home, where it is most convenient for you. If you are currently not part of the INR management program or would like to learn more about the self-testing, email rlma@redlakehospital or call 727-2751 x257.
Lining up at the lab for your INR draw is a thing of the past! Now with just a finger poke and a quick visit at the clinic, your INR can be tested, your dose adjusted and prescription updated. Even more exciting, the RNs have launched a new online INR program, with the ultimate goal of self-testing at home, where it is most convenient for you. If you are currently not part of the INR management program or would like to learn more about the self-testing, email rlma@redlakehospital or call 727-2751 x257.

Memory Clinic
As we get older, many of us notice some changes in memory, language, thinking or personality. But if memory loss or changes in language, thinking or personality starts to interfere with your daily activities and routines or those of someone you care about, you should speak to your doctor about a referral to the memory clinic. At the memory clinic, you and your caregiver/family member will see our team for a personalized assessment, comprehensive memory screening, medication review and a driver assessment. Referrals are generated when needed, to community partners such as Older Adults program, Community
Care Access Centre for homecare, Counselling, etc.
Additional Resources:
10 Warning Signs Checklist
Preparing for your Doctor's Visit - A Checklist
As we get older, many of us notice some changes in memory, language, thinking or personality. But if memory loss or changes in language, thinking or personality starts to interfere with your daily activities and routines or those of someone you care about, you should speak to your doctor about a referral to the memory clinic. At the memory clinic, you and your caregiver/family member will see our team for a personalized assessment, comprehensive memory screening, medication review and a driver assessment. Referrals are generated when needed, to community partners such as Older Adults program, Community
Care Access Centre for homecare, Counselling, etc.
Additional Resources:
10 Warning Signs Checklist
Preparing for your Doctor's Visit - A Checklist

Heart Health
More than 1.4 million Canadians have heart disease. It is also one of the leading causes of death in Canada, claiming more than 33,600 lives per year.
You can reduce your risk of heart disease by understanding the risk factors that cause it, and making changes to your lifestyle. Through this program, the Health Team can offer education about hypertension, cholesterol and other risk factors listed below, stress management sessions, diet and nutrition advice and regular blood pressure monitoring. Email rlma@redlakehospital or call 727-2751 x201.
Risk factors that can be controlled include:
More than 1.4 million Canadians have heart disease. It is also one of the leading causes of death in Canada, claiming more than 33,600 lives per year.
You can reduce your risk of heart disease by understanding the risk factors that cause it, and making changes to your lifestyle. Through this program, the Health Team can offer education about hypertension, cholesterol and other risk factors listed below, stress management sessions, diet and nutrition advice and regular blood pressure monitoring. Email rlma@redlakehospital or call 727-2751 x201.
Risk factors that can be controlled include:
- Smoking increases blood pressure and contributes to the development of blocked arteries, putting you at higher risk of heart disease.
- Lack of exercise: People who do not exercise regularly are at greater risk of having heart disease.
- Unhealthy diet: Risks are greater for people who do not eat enough fruit and vegetables. Eating foods that contain trans fat and high amounts of saturated fats and sodium can also increase the risk of heart disease.
- Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing a wide range of serious diseases and conditions, including heart disease.
- High blood pressure: Over time, high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, or a thick heart muscle (hypertrophy), which can eventually lead to heart failure, a form of heart disease.
- High cholesterol: Too much bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) can lead to blockage of the arteries, which raises the risk of heart disease.
- Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease, especially if blood sugar levels are poorly controlled.
- Stress: High levels of stress or prolonged stress may result in high cholesterol, increased blood pressure, or disturbances in heart rhythm. These conditions increase the risk of developing heart disease.
18 Month Well-Baby Visits
Eighteen months is a milestone in a child’s development and a visit to a family physician or other health care provider at this time is important. Ontario has recognized the importance of the 18-month well-baby visit by funding a longer, more in-depth visit. The overall goal of this is to better support the healthy development and well-being of Ontario’s children. What it means for you and your child is that you can have a more detailed discussion about your child with your family physician or other health care provider. What can I expect at this visit? |
When you go for your visit you and your health care provider will discuss your child’s development. You will complete a checklist, such as the Nipissing District Developmental Screen™, which provides a snapshot of your child’s development and a starting point for your discussion.
Alongside the checklist is information on typical child development, as well as activities to enhance development. If you’d like to look at the checklist in advance, you’ll find it at www.ndds.ca. It is a helpful parent tool that is free online to Ontario residents.
The enhanced 18-month well-baby visit is an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s development and ask any questions you may have. For example, you may want to talk about your child’s motor or communications skills or behaviour concerns.
The visit also allows early identification of any concerns and a referral to specialized community services, if necessary, for your child.
Alongside the checklist is information on typical child development, as well as activities to enhance development. If you’d like to look at the checklist in advance, you’ll find it at www.ndds.ca. It is a helpful parent tool that is free online to Ontario residents.
The enhanced 18-month well-baby visit is an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s development and ask any questions you may have. For example, you may want to talk about your child’s motor or communications skills or behaviour concerns.
The visit also allows early identification of any concerns and a referral to specialized community services, if necessary, for your child.

Smoking Cessation Counseling
Quitting smoking is the single most important thing you can do for your health today. Have you reached the point where you're ready to kick that habit but aren't quite sure how to go about it? Or perhaps you're willing to see if we can help you get there? Try our STOP program and receive ongoing smoking cessation treatment, including Nicotine Replacement Therapy and counselling support, at no cost.
Email Shawn or Carolyne or call 727-2751 for an appointment to discuss your options.
Quitting smoking is the single most important thing you can do for your health today. Have you reached the point where you're ready to kick that habit but aren't quite sure how to go about it? Or perhaps you're willing to see if we can help you get there? Try our STOP program and receive ongoing smoking cessation treatment, including Nicotine Replacement Therapy and counselling support, at no cost.
Email Shawn or Carolyne or call 727-2751 for an appointment to discuss your options.
Diabetes Self-Management
The epidemic of diabetes continues to increase at an alarming rate throughout the world. Diabetes is a complex, chronic condition that requires both high quality clinical care and effective self-management. Diabetes education makes you more aware of diabetes, what it takes to treat it, and gives you the power to control it. It is an ongoing process that should be repeated every one to two years. Various members of your team will provide education, medication review, lifestyle management and goal setting, as well as ensure that you are up to date with your blood tests, blood pressure checks and retinal, depression and foot screening. Diabetes education gives you the power to control your diabetes, so it doesn’t end up controlling you. |